This is the collection of recordings from the Christian Mystic Summit that happened last June 18-22, 2023.
9 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
0 Files
Jesus: Master of Western Mysticism with Jane Woods
The Wayless Way: Meister Eckhart's Mystical Unknowing with David Cole
The Triple Way: Modern Applications of an Ancient Spirituality with Justin Coutts
Beyond Unitive Consciousness: The Path to No Self with Bernadette Roberts with Shawn Ellison
Presence Practice: Unknow with Brother Lawrence & the Cloud with Carmen Acevedo Butcher
Hope Leans Forward: Braving Your Way toward Simplicity, Awakening, and Peace with Valerie Brown
The Prophetic Mysticism & Sacred Activism of Howard Thurman with Lerita Coleman Brown
The Imaginary Mystic: There is only God with Michael Gungor
Deep and Wide: Integrating Christian Mystical Practice with Interspiritual Exploration with Carl McColman